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Dioramas to Levels in Sköll

Dioramas to Levels in The Attestation of Sköll Our team's artist created a level plan for the first main level of The Attestation of Sköll  in Blender, in the form of a sort of diorama. This approach meant they could get a good idea of the layout of the forest level without having to do anything in Unity, but it presents an issue when it comes time to actually get the level working in-game; The objects in Blender aren't easily tied to prefabs in Unity (essentially game objects that have Unity components attached etc.) The brute-force approach for turning this diorama into a playable level would be to go through all the imported objects and add collision, physics, and components to all of them by hand, but this would result in multiple in-scene copies of the same objects in different locations, meaning any future changes would have to be made one-by-one. We exported all the unique objects in the scene in a sort of atlas or collection, lined up in a grid, and then I turned each o...

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